Thursday, 8 January 2015

Nicotine Withdrawal Day 3

How times have changed
This is my last post about stopping smoking, I promise. Just a couple of observations:

1. Apart from my good friend C, who is also giving up smoking - and putting me to shame with her cheerfulness while doing so -  everyone I have encountered this week is happy, healthy, laughing, relaxed...and smoking. I've not seen so many people smoking cigarettes in my entire life as I have over the last 3 days. Where on earth have they all come from..?

2. Contrary to the impression given by my last 2 posts, giving up smoking is not all plain sailing. The "cravings" sneak up on you: in the middle of doing something, you forget you aren't smoking any more, and just have time to think: "mmm, time for a cig" before a hollow and needy desire to smoke fills your being.

The best thing about these cravings is that they are fleeting - gone in a few seconds, especially if not accompanied by alcohol - and become less and less frequent with time.

So, I stand by my earlier statement: giving up smoking is easy, if you really want to.

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