Friday 1 May 2015

Still buzzing

The reason I haven't posted on the blog since the race is that I've been struggling with what to say.
I don't know why, it's simple really -

The whole day was brilliant. I loved it, and I still feel lifted by it now, days afterwards.

A combination of things made it very special. These included
  • The excitement building on the Tube and the train taking the runners to the race start at Greenwich. People were chatting animatedly! On the Tube! Unheard-of.
  • The crowds of spectators along the route. Their support gave me a huge lift. The best two banners I saw read. "I'm proud of you, Random Stranger", and "Running faster = wine sooner!"
  • Running through the heart of London, the best city in the world
  • The cheers from friends and family around the route
  • Gritting my teeth through the last 5 miles, and maintaining my pace
  • Coming in under 4 hours
Crossing the finishing line, I felt 2 things. First, a distinct physical wobble as my body adjusted to not-running after non-stop-running for nearly 4 hours. I nearly fell over! Second, I felt a huge wave of emotion from all the support I'd had, from the crowd of course, but more importantly from everyone who sponsored me so generously and offered me such encouragement over the last few weeks.

So, thank you everyone for your support. I'm truly grateful.

(And Lucy T, special thanks to you for the support and huge encouragement you've provided. You have been just brilliant!)